Find out more about the 여자 알바 typical salary expectations of university instructors, and how an advanced education can be the gateway to earning a competitive pay rate. This diversity in experience may make estimating an expected salary range for a college professor challenging, but prospective scholars looking to assume professorial roles should nonetheless research these numbers.
The college professor salary range will vary depending on geographic location, institution, area of expertise, degree level, and academic rank. While engineering and business account for the highest levels of pay for college professors, faculty members in other subjects are generally also fairly well compensated. College and university faculty, which includes four-year institutions and community colleges, may make vastly different salaries depending on factors like what kind of school college and university faculty works at, what subjects they teach, and how long they have been employed.
Those working in two-year colleges and community colleges typically make the least money among all professors. Education professors are on the lower end of the pay spectrum, generally earning less than $65,000 per year. Most college professors make under $250,000 annually, with a smaller group of professors topping out around the $1 million a year mark.
Professors who are five to nine years in tenure earn an average of about $66,700 per year. Among the most recent-career professors–those with 20 years of service at the university or university–the median annual salary exceeded $100,000. The median pay of an engineering professor at a U.S. public college or university was $95,740 in 2011, and the average salary of someone teaching at a public junior college was $63,110, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data.
The median salary of full professors at private, PhD institutions was the highest among all overall salaries, at $202,199. The median full-time faculty member in college, when including all types of instructors and categories of universities, earned $101,810 during the 2020-21 academic year, according to data from the American Association of University Professors. Between 2019-20 and 2020-21, average professor salaries increased by only 1% across all instructor types at all types of institutions.
In 2021, the average assistant professor in computer science made $110,381; average assistant professors across disciplines, excluding medicine and law, made $83,362, according to the 2020-2021 annual report of the American Association of University Professors on the economic status of faculty. The association examined median salaries across 929 institutions in the United States, and found that, among a number of qualifiers, professors educational background and job title, and the type of institution for which they worked, influenced their median compensation. In addition to a professors job title, the types of universities at which they teach–public, private, or independent, or affiliated with religion–and the educational levels of the students they instruct may influence their yearly compensation.
For instance, a law professor, who needs to have a JD degree in order to teach undergraduate-level students, may make substantially more annually than a music teacher teaching at the bachelors level. While entry-level professors are not at their highest earning potential, conditions can shift dramatically, particularly for faculty members who gain coveted tenure-track positions–the ultimate sign of academic job security. Academic ranks include early-career associate professors, mid-career associate professors, and senior-level professors who are tenure-track.
For example, if an internal job title is instructor and associate professor and an external job title is instructor 12 months. The post-salary guidelines were established to ensure that there is consistency of pay across tenure tracks for that set of in-house titles. The Board of Regents for the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) regularly updates salary levels for academic staff.
Despite rising tuition costs and the compensation of college presidents, salaries of university faculty have mostly remained flat. According to recent data from NCES, DC-based college professors earn the highest median of $115,372 in all subject areas and institutional levels. Being a mechanical engineering professor provides student tuition assistance and academic advising, keeps course-related records, and grades students on their courses.